Ref Models for OL LO22341

Roy Greenhalgh (
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 04:22:33 +0100

Replying to LO22334 --

Mark says:-

>I'm looking for a graphical representation(s) of organizational learning.
>What I need is a visual flow diagram, descriptive model, or what have you
>that depicts natural learning processes in human organizations. It would
>ideally be something that captures the LO community's prevailing views on
>the dynamics of how learning "happens" in human organizations.

If I interpret Mark's words to mean "how does an organisation learn?",
then I believe Deming's "Organisation as a System" diagram matches the
need. We have nearly 50 years of experience in the use of this diagram,
and we still use it.

For me, it shows the parties who are involved in the learning process, the
differing stages that different learning takes place, and more than many
non-loop diagrams, it shows where to find the results of what was learned
or not learned. And, of course, as it embodies Shewhart/Deming's
Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, it illustrates that learning is continuous, that
learning doesn't come in the order we would ideally like it, and that we
have to work hard to create new knowledge about our business/manufacturing

I have posted a copy to Rick.

[And.. It's at ..Rick]

- Roy Greenhalgh


Roy Greenhalgh <>

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