What is leadership? LO22348

Lualhati, Joselito (jlualhati@lucent.com)
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 07:34:07 -0400

Replying to LO22335 --

In a speech by a Union leader in our organization, he distinguished
between a manager and a leader by stating:

"Managers do things right; Leaders do the right thing."

Joselito C. Lualhati
Measurement & Selection Systems
Workforce Relations
Lucent Technologies
(v) 908.559.7781; (p) 888.602.3565; (f) 908.559.2092
(e-mail) jlualhati@lucent.com or 6023565@skytel.com


"Lualhati, Joselito (Joe)" <jlualhati@lucent.com>

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