In reply to Leora's request:
>>Does anyone out there know of good, academic references which relate
>>network density in organizations (i.e. how "well-connected" individuals
>>are to each other in a given organization) to organizational learning?
Marco Pellegatti suggests two papers from Nohria and Eccles' excellent
book, NETWORKS AND ORGANIZATIONS. Leora, might I suggest that if you're
going to read
>Krackhardt, David "The Strength of Strong Ties: The Importance of Philos
>in Organizations"
you *must* take a look on the classic from which it's derived:
"The Strength of Weak Ties," by Mark S. Granovetter, American Journal of
Sociology, Vol. 78, No. 6, pp. 1360-1380.
This paper was the original work demonstrating that it is the people at
the edges of our networks, rather than those most central, who can be the
most powerful amplifiers of our messages.
Jessica Lipnack <>
The Networking Institute, Inc., 505 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA 02165 USA
Tel: 617/965-3340; Fax: 617/965-2341; Web page:
--Jessica Lipnack <>
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