Structuring Pay for a Team LO15557

Gray Southon (
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 11:46:31 +1100 (EST)

Replying to LO15541 --

Could you help me please

I am puzzled by your use of the term "measure". Some people use it very
loosely, (e.g. sensing a person's mood), while others use it very tightly
(a numberical value with validity, consistency etc). When a person places
a circle in a Likert scale - is that a measure? I would very much
appreciate some idea of the boundaries of the term.


Gray Southon

At 06:55 PM 27/10/97 +0000, Paul Foley wrote:

>Only things that get measured get done - I suggest. The only thing that
>varies is the understanding and explicitness of the measure. As long as we
>both understand what the measure is then that's fine. It becomes a problem
>when we have different measures. Even worse when we both have the same
>explicit measure - say financial performance - but I have a different
>unstated measure of you - say, do you provide innovative ideas.
>Sales is *relatively* easy in this regard. We can get the measures and the
>rewards pretty clear and commonly understood. However the varieties of
>possible measures in other jobs makes it even more important to get the
>key measures explicit.

Gray Southon
Consultant in Health Management Research and Analysis
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