Why White Male Leaders? LO17233

Tom Christoffel (tjcdsgns@head.globalcom.net)
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 23:37:02 -0500

Replying to LO17201 --

Chris -

I think the question is first: "Why male leaders?"

The "Urantia Book" which offers an interesting cosmology and history of
humanity on planet the planer reports that, in the beginning, the mututal
survival tasks performed by men (hunting & defense) and women (gathering
and growing) were relatively equal in difficulty. This balance kept the
sexes equal. Because tools and weaponry advanced faster for males, their
part of the work load became easier quicker and with their free time they
developed dominance in the cultures.

In most cultures - males still dominate. As for modern corporations, white
males invented them and have an historical advantage, though women are
rapidly advancing, utilizing legal principles and their own skill sets to
balance the equation. Some day peopel may ask Why female leaders?

Tom Christoffel <tjcdsgns@shentel.net>

Thomas J. (Tom) Christoffel * e-mail: tjcdsgns@shentel.net
My mission: "Regions_Work!" 
Why?  "All markets are regional and the economy is global. Two or more
crossing boundaries to solve a problem is regional cooperation."
*TJCdesigns * Box 1444 * Front Royal, Virginia (VA) 22630-1444 * "True peace
is dynamic. For sustainability, design with re-use in mind." 

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