Learning Journal LO20945

Bill Braun (medprac@hlthsys.com)
Sun, 21 Mar 1999 18:04:31 -0600

Replying to LO20938 --

>Keep a journal regularly and focus on two topics until you are unable to
>separate them. One topic is personal and one topic is professional. Use
>the following format on both topics.
>The format was:
>* Describe the event as it happened
>* What were your feelings about it
>* What were your thoughts associated with it
>* What did you learn
>Hope this helps....
>Lori Preston


Could you develop this further, especially the part about reaching the
point where the two topics cannot be separated. I require a Personal
Mastery paper of students and I talk about something that seems similar to
this. Your concept seems like something that is quite powerful. I'd like
to hear more.

Bill Braun


Bill Braun <medprac@hlthsys.com>

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